They remember you...
Whether you like it or not and whether you want it or not, people remember you. Why, how long, when they remember you may differ, but they remember you.
That fat guy, that soft-spoken girl, that stubborn woman, that innocent man, that shrewd employee, that pumpkin-faced relative, that sensitive friend, that hyperactive lady, that cunning neighbour, that rude co-passenger, that humble man, that motherly sister, that curious little girl, that mischievous boy.. you may appear differently to different people, but they remember you.
They might have met you on a train journey for a short time. They might have done a computer course with you. They might have proposed their love to you. They might have sought a little help from you. They might have begged for some money from you when they were extremely hungry while you were waiting for a bus. They might have worked with you for a few years in the same office. They might have become your life partners. They might have shared the same womb with you. They might have had you as a part of their childhood days. They remember you.
They may remember you occasionally after you both departed. They may remember you for a few days after you vacated your house. They may remember you every day when they see or hear something. They may remember you when they are in some need, the need for money, the need for advice and so on. They remember you until they get some replacement for you. They may remember you for no reason.
How do you want to be remembered?
How long do you want to be remembered?
First of all, why do we want to be remembered after we are no more?
Well articulated and much thought provoking. Inspiring to do good things for each other when in a company than doing things for self when alone.