The God Resigns...

I am God.
Usually, people resign from their jobs for one of the two reasons: one, when they do not get what they expect and deserve; two, when they see a pasture on the other side of the hill, which they think is greener than the present one. But I am God; I’m resigning for exactly the opposite reasons: one, I have got more than I deserve. Two, my departure from your pasture will make it greener than it presently is.
I am resigning from the job that I never did and from the position I never held. It was you who invented, explored, expected, exploited, exaggerated – everything about me. I am now exhausted. I kept ignoring you for centuries and millennia; you kept making your lives complicated in my name. Now it’s high time that I openly submit my resignation and express my disassociation with you.
You decided what's my colour , my name, shape, size, likes, dislikes, character – I just thought you may want me to be like you to feel a better bonding. You wrote stories on me: you made me a creator, protector, savior, judge, punishing authority, manager, destroyer – I tried to see your creativity in that and understood that you need a support system to answer all your unanswerable questions. You built temples, mosques, churches, chanted my names, hummed hymns, sang songs praising me – all was okay as I thought you need a place and some practices to get peace of mind, some words for achieving concentration and ways to forget your own problems and pains. But things started falling apart.
Your creativity went absurd; you depicted me as a drunkard, a murderer, a rapist, a cheater – someone having all the weaknesses and limitations as you humans have; sometimes worse than the darker side of you. How do you expect a god with all these bad qualities to do anything good to you? But you still continued worshipping me without questioning those stories. You made mistakes, blunders, crimes, sins and offered me perks to forgive you and to grant permission to do the new ones.
You offered me money, clothes, food, and weirdest of all, your hair! If you truly thought I was the creator of this Universe, how could you think I need those coloured currency notes, those metal pieces, food and hair from you! You offered me all these for fulfilling your wishes – you need money, you need health, wealth, education, popularity, power, position, visa, funniest of all - marriage! To get your work done you offered me the cheapest of perks – you brought me down to the level of a government office clerk, a travel agent, or a broker.
Well, I just ignored looking at your stupidity. But your stupidity started turning into harmful intelligence. Your illogical religions evolved, your incompetent scriptures got created, your prophets, popes, swamis, gurus, mullahs, priests – all were born in my name. You created a logically absurd, mentally retarded, ethically backward world for yourself. They explained that you need me, the god, to keep the society in order, to keep the fear of someone who can punish the bad and reward the good. They explained that what you do is being counted and you will go to hell or heaven afterlife. They created a ‘judgement day’, ‘jannat’, ‘hell’.. what not!
All these attempts were made to suppress your common sense, your reasoning, your ability to think and question. How many centuries can anyone be made to believe? Isn’t love, logic and truth the correct ways of living? Why couldn’t any religion teach that you should be good and kind not because of fear that some power will punish you if you aren’t, but just because you are a human? Why couldn’t so called religious leaders inspire you to be good without creating a need for some reward or lure like heaven?
You systematically killed humanity in my name. You wanted magic, myths and miracles – you never wanted someone who can tell you to work hard, work honestly, not to cheat others; instead, you want to follow someone who can walk on water, who can hear an unspoken voice, who can bring ashes and black marble from nowhere.
You did a crime by creating my forms, my idols, by building temples, mosques and churches and you continued fighting for supremacy. You wanted to expand the number of followers for me, you wanted your religions to grow. You wanted me to act exactly as your kings and politicians. You forgot you should share the same land; you fought, you destroyed and you killed and got killed.
Some people declared themselves as my agents. They acted as messengers between me and you. They started exploiting others, created fears, suppressed questioning, gave solutions for your problems that benefitted them – all in my name. They never constructed roads or bridges, they never invented machines, they never sowed the seeds and reaped the grains – they simply sat in their religious centres whole life preaching stupidity to people, misleading them, acting as parasites and scavengers – what a waste of human resource!
I know that your devotion towards me is not pure. You just think that you believe me; that’s not true. When you suffer from a deadly disease, I have never seen any of you enclosing yourself in a temple or mosque or church, chanting my name, humming my hymns, praying me to cure your diseases without going to any doctor. You justified this by giving the excerpts of your own stupid religions that taught you: you should do your work and pray god. Only then God will protect you. You never decided: If I have to do my work, let me do it completely and take ownership of my success or failure. You forgot that your kindness and intelligence are the best support systems.
It’s now time for me to tell you ‘I quit.’ It’s your world, your life. To be correct, do not expect someone sitting up to watch you and punish you if you do something wrong. Attain maturity and manage yourselves. You’re humans: create a heaven yourselves here when you’re alive by being good. I have already complicated your lives. I have already become the reason for your stupidity, suffering and incorrect solutions. You have got brains; think. You’ve got hearts; feel. You’ve got wings; fly.