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Ana'l-Haqq - A Sufi Story

A mysterious mystic, Sufi poet Mansoor-Al-Hallaj one day declared: “Ana’l-Haqq”

He had no idea that this two and a half word statement would create storms in society.

“Do you think I have not realized ‘Ana’l-Haqq’? Am I not just keeping myself calm?” - said Junaid, Mansoor’s Sheik – a great Sufi teacher.

“Sheik Junaid, I very well know what I said. I said ‘Ana’l-Haqq’ – I am the truth.”

“Mansoor, words are yours until you express. Once you let them out, they are no more yours. You must also know how your words reach others. The society thinks that you said ‘I am the God’ and it is never tolerated.” – said Junaid adding frustration.

“My respected sheik Junaid, do you want me to change myself and hide the truth just because society misunderstands me? Is it not the society that should understand correctly and change itself?”

Sufi teacher Junaid gave up. He knew Mansoor was not wrong. He also knew how society would react. What Sufi saints and teachers normally express to their own students’ group was being expressed in public by Mansoor.

The teacher’s heart was sad foreseeing the consequences of Mansoor’s adamant decision. He knew that Mansoor would not be spared alive.

“Mansoor, it is time to pay back to me, your sheik. I am ordering: go to Mecca.” – Junaid had anticipated life threat to his favourite disciple and this was the last option for him to save his beloved student.

“You are my Kaaba. Where else you want me to go!” – answered Mansoor.


The King sent his messengers to sheik Junaid to stop Mansoor from preaching ‘Ana’l-Haqq’ and continue this heresy, or he would be executed.

Junaid had already tried all possible ways. He sent back a message ‘Do as you wish!”


Mansoor-Al-Hallaj was brutally killed. The king arranged the killing in a public place and nearly 100,000 people had gathered. The King wanted to convey the message that anyone declaring himself the God or going against the will of God will face the same punishment.

Junaid’s heart was heavy, like any teacher’s in the world would be, but he knew saving Mansoor is impossible. All the people gathered there were ordered to throw stones at Mansoor. He was bleeding, but he kept on smiling.

Junaid, who was standing among the audience, just to show that he is not against the king’s judgement, threw a flower at Mansoor. Then tears started rolling from Mansoor’s eyes. He started to cry. Someone from the crowd asked:

“ You had been smiling all this time when everyone was throwing stones at you. You didn’t care for your bleeding too. Now, a flower has hit you and you are crying out of pain!”

Mansoor answered:

“Well, it doesn’t hurt even when some other people mistake you and throw stones, but this flower is thrown by someone who knows I am right but helpless and one who taught me how to think. Helplessness hurts.”

The brutal killing continued. They removed his limbs and ears were cut. Just before they cut his tongue, He said “Let me tell everyone again: Ana’l Haqq. - I am the truth!


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