An Apology Letter to the God
Dear God,
We have designated ourselves as your DEVOTEES; meaning, people who have DEVOTED ourselves to you. But, we are sorry, we need a small change in the definition of the word ‘DEVOTEES’. We want it to mean ‘the people who just remember you when they are in trouble, when they need something and when they get that something, to get something more’. We don’t want devotion to mean completely surrendering to you leaving all the worldly pleasures and lures. If we follow the definition in dictionaries, there will not be any DEVOTEES to you.
God, we TRUST you. But these stupid dictionaries have wrong definitions of the word TRUST. We do not want to completely depend on you knowing that you would solve all the problems. Forget about greater diseases like Cancer, we go to doctors even when we get a simple fever. We never come and enclose ourselves in temples, mosques or churches or in a room in our houses chanting your name. But yes, we also need you just as an option. We trust you.
Dear God, you are OMNI PRESENT. Does it mean (someone who is) ‘Present Everywhere’? If it is so, please change the meaning of those words. We somehow feel comfortable restricting you to temples, mosques and churches. Like we have our houses, it makes sense if you have one for yourself too. Some of us don’t even stretch our legs towards your photos or idols when we lie down on the floor. We know you are not there in the opposite side, so we stretch our legs the other side. We have been walking on the earth for millions of years touching our feet. That’s okay. It’s safe for us to keep you in some places. Otherwise, we feel awkward to murder, rape, take bribe and cheat others if you are present everywhere. We respect you. Thanks for being OMNI PRESENT, only in some places.
My God! You’re amazing! You’re OMNISCIENT. Again, these languages and idiot rational thinkers create confusion. They think OMNISCIENT means (someone who) ‘KNOWS EVERYTHING’. You KNOW EVERYTHING, don’t you? You know the past, the present and the future too. We are sorry, we don’t care even if you know everything. We don’t understand how it is useful to us if you know everything. You have never spoken to us directly nor shared your knowledge or solutions to our problems directly, except through some self-declared prophets and god-men. Some people say you speak with them and we can see you and listen to you only if we have trust in you. That’s like telling a boy who’s blind by birth, that he would get the vision only after he identifies the red coloured ball in a box of multi-coloured balls. God, how can I tell anything to you? You know everything. You’re OMNISCIENT.
We have been brought up teaching that the
God is OMNIPOTENT; someone who is ALL POWERFUL and CAN DO EVERYTHING. I’m sorry, it’s my mistake. I misunderstood that the GOD can do everything good. I failed to read behind the lines. I wasn’t smart enough to understand that the God CAN EVERYTHING, but He DOES NOT or He DOES NOT WANT TO. I was wondering why so many barbaric wars, illogical deaths, undue pains happen every day, everywhere. But then, some elders, some religions enlightened me saying that people suffer because of their KARMA. God know what to give to whom and when. He is OMNISCIENT. My poor English misleads me. I failed to realize ‘CAN’ simply means the ability, not willingness. You CAN do, but you DON’T WANT to! I’m sorry, I still don’t understand the use of your OMSCIENT and OMNIPOTENT qualities for, unless you have plenty of free time and no other better ways to get sadistically entertained other than seeing the sufferings of everyone here.
I see a 5-year old girl child physically abused, I see an old woman, abandoned by her son, waiting for death for years begging on the roads, I see a mother who has lost her 3-year old baby who was born after roaming around your places – I’m sorry God. I want the word ‘Rahim’ to be redefined in dictionary. You are so merciful!
God, we call you SAB KA MALIK – The Owner of All! One for All! I salute you for tolerating us. And I pity your shamelessless. For centuries, we are gifting you flowers, fruits, milk, meat and what not! Are they not your creations? Are you not their MALIK? How do you feel when someone gifts your own things and asks you for favour? Haven’t you ever felt cheated? Underestimated for being treated like government office clerk who is bribed to get our works done? We are sorry we have been treating you so badly for centuries.
When everyone said 'SAB KA MALIK EK', I misunderstood that you are the ONLY ONE. Later I realized, you are ONE for each religion, each caste and colour. One's ONE is different from OTHER's ONE. And that created all the problem.
Please accept my apologies. As long as your DEVOTEES exist, remain DEVOTE. As long as they TRUST you, remain TRUSTED. As long as your conscience doesn't wake up, remain OMNIPOTENT. As long as you don't feel shameful, keep enjoying all the milk squeezed from the udder of cows, accept the flesh of innocent calves. As long as you can remain silent, tolerate the hypocrisy of people, just for nothing. May the drama continue.